Ionia Athletics

Ionia High School

CoEd Middle School Wrestling

Game Summaries & Headlines.

CoEd Middle School Wrestling vs. Waverly Middle School

1 year ago @ 11:22PM
Game Date
Mar 5, 2024

Ionia Middle School Wrestling team traveled to Lansing Waverly to wrestle in their final event of the season.After not winning a dual meet all year, the Bulldogs beat Haslett 36-26 and then beat Waverly 30-24. Winning both matches on the night were Lorenzo Lopez, Bradley Thomas, Jay Dornbos and Cody Waterman. Other wrestlers picking up a win were Conrad Woltuis, Ashton Lemke, Emmitt Smith Owen Yocom and Kiley Sivertsen. The middle school athletes worked hard the last 3 weeks and the inprovement shined thru,hopefully to carry their skills into next season