Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys and Girls JV Powerlifting Results From State Meet
5.0 years ago @ 11:53AM
- Game Date
- Feb 29, 2020
- Score
- Ionia High School: 0
Ionia JV Powerlifting competed at the JV State Meet on Saturday 2/29/20 In Lake Orion. There were 360 lifters from 61 schools at the meet, Ionia JV Powerlifting had 9 lifters compete.
For the women Zoe Hensley placed 5th in the 132 wgt class. In her weight class the State record for squat was broken twice and Zoe tied the new record.
On the men’s side Emmanuel (Tony) Velasco placed 3rd in the 220 wgt. Class and Brendan Raymond placed 4th and Zach Shortz placed 2nd in the 242 wgt. Class.
Amanda Bradley and Mitcheal Evans placed in the top 10 of their wgt, classes. Our Lifters each faced around 20 lifters in each weight class at the State Meet for both the Men and Women.
Ionia Powerlifting will next compete in the Varsity State Meet next Sunday 3/8/20 in North Branch.