Ionia Athletics

Ionia High School

Girls Varsity Track

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls Varsity Track vs. Charlotte Senior HS School

1 year ago @ 11:04PM
Game Date
May 9, 2023


The Ionia Girls Track and Field team hosted a powerful Team from Charlotte losing their first CAAC dual meet of the season.  The Ionia Girls record is now 5-1-2 overall and 3-1-1 in CAAC White Division Action.  Tonight's loss puts Ionia in second place in the CAAC with one more opportunity to defeat Charlotte in the CAAC White Championship Meet hosted by Ionia on Wednesday May 24th.  The final League standings are based on 50% for the dual meet records and 50% on the team places at the CAAC Championship Meet.

     In today’s meet the Ionia Girls earned 17 PR’s and 6 SR’s.  They finished first in only 13 of 17 events.  The final score for the meet was Charlotte 97 - Ionia 39.  First Place Finishers for Ionia included; Megan Leneman in the 800M Run (2:40.42) and the 1600M (5:46.86) and Mimi Wegener in the Pole Vault (9’-0”).

Full Results can be found at the following LINK: