Ionia Athletics

Ionia High School

Girls Junior Varsity Softball

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls Junior Varsity Softball loses to Eaton Rapids HS School

2.0 years ago @ 9:14PM
Game Date
May 16, 2022
Ionia High School: 1

The Ionia Girls JV Softball Team lost against Eaton Rapids on Monday, May 16th. The score of the first game was 7-1 and the second was 14-2. The girls put up a close fight in the first game with a much better defense, but struggled to push hits through. There were no hits for the Bulldogs in this first game. They turned a better hitting game in the second game, but still not enough to defeat Eaton Rapids. Kaidence Thomas went 1 -2 with a walk and Adreana Daugherty also went 1-2. Their record now stands at 12-8. The girls are hoping to finish the season on a stronger note with their next game being Tuesday, May 17th against Waverly.