Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Varsity Tennis vs. Lakewood Invitational
2.0 years ago @ 8:09PM
- Game Date
- Sep 10, 2022
- Score
- Ionia High School: 0
Ionia Boys Varsity tennis won the Lakewood Invitational today, taking Gold medals in 6 flights, silver in one flight and 5th place in the final flight. Sam Eppler (12) won gold at first singles and remains undefeated on the year. Miles Gregory (12) won gold at second singles, Brett Petersen (12) won gold and also remains undefeated on the year. Austin Currigan (12) took the gold at fourth singles. Second and Third Doubles both won gold; with the teams of Lucas Wandel (12) and Christian Miller (10) and Colter Clark (12) and Elijah Hatfield (12) respectively. Fourth doubles came up just short and took silver, Ben Marhofer (12) and Cole Petersen (9). Ionia was a clear winner out of the 6 team field of Lakewood, Penfield, Mt. Pleasant, Greenville, and Hillsdale. Ionia starts league play at Eaton Rapids on Monday, Septmber 12 @ 4:00p.m.