Ionia Athletics

Ionia High School

Boys Varsity Tennis

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Varsity Tennis vs. Cadillac HS School

2.0 years ago @ 7:50AM
Game Date
Aug 24, 2022
Ionia High School: 0

Boys Varsity and JV Tennis made the long trek to Cadillac High School to play a dual match. Ionia had great success and won the match 6-2.  Singles were particularly hot as all four flights won! Sam Eppler (12) first singles, Miles Gregory (12) second singles, Brett Peterson(12) third singles and Austin Currigan (12) fourth singles. Second and third doubles  also brought in big wins as well, Lucas Wandell (12) and Christian Miller (10) and Elijah Hatfield (12) and Colter Clark (12). A shout out goes to fourth doubles Ben Marhofer (12) and Owen Shippey (11) who lost a hard fought and very close match 5-7, 5-7. Bulldog tennis looks to build on their momentum at our next match Monday, August 29, at home versus Lakewood.