Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity Tennis vs. CAAC White League Meet
3.0 years ago @ 6:48PM
- Game Date
- Sep 30, 2021
- Score
- Ionia High School: 8
Ionia boys Varsity Tennis won there first CAAC White League Championship since 1983! The Ionia Boys Varsity Team were also CAAC White Tournament Champions Today. Besides the significant team accomplishments winning the league this year there were several individual stand out performances. The Ionia CAAC White Tournament Champs had 1 Doubles Landon Duell (11) Lucas Wandell (11) win individual third place honors at the tournament, while 4th singles Ethan Rowland (12), Second doubles Austin Currigan (11) Ben Marhofer (11), third doubles Colter Clark (11) Elijah Hatfield (11) won a second place finish in their individual flights. Fourth doubles Jade Miller (12) Christian Miller (9) won the gold medal for the CAAC White tournament. And impressively first singles Sam Eppler (11), Second singles Miles Gregory (11), and third singles Brett Petersen (11) won both regular season first place finishes as well as gold medal first place finishes at the CAAC White tournament. The First league champs since 1983 will be honored with their coaches, Head Coach Patricia Eppler and Assistant Coach Ryan Gregory at Tomorrow nights homecoming game! Congratulations Ionia boys Varsity Tennis for bringing a league championship back to Ionia for the first time in 38 years!!!!!!