Ionia Athletics

Ionia High School

Boys Varsity Golf

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Varsity Golf vs. CAAC White Conference Tournament

2.0 years ago @ 6:19PM
Game Date
May 23, 2022

This morning the Boys Varsity Golf team went to the Emerald golf course in St. John's to compete in the CAAC White 18 hole league tournament. The Bulldogs finished with a team total of 396 which placed them in fifth place for the day. Lansing Catholic won the tournament with a team total of 347, followed by Eaton Rapids with a 350, Charlotte 369, Portland a 376, the Bulldogs 396 and Sexton with a 538.  Medalist for the Bulldogs was Evan Nummer with a 95 (45/50), followed by Ryan Barna with a 97 (53/44), Spencer Tooker with a 101 (52/49) and Alex Yakes with a 103 (49/54).

The Bulldogs finished in fourth place overall for the season in the league.

Congratulations goes out to Lane Thomas and Ryan Barna for being named to the All Conference team for being one of the top twelve golfers in the league this season. 

Both the Varsity and JV golf teams return to action on Wednesday against PW for their final regular season match of the season at Shadow Ridge GC with a tee time set for 3:30pm.  This will also be the night the senior golfers and their parents will be recognized.